Monday, February 20, 2012

Greasy Shirt

In my haste to finish cooking supper a few weeks ago, I spilled beef broth on my iRead shirt (Wednesday's are "Drop Everything and Read" day at school). I didn't have time to clean it that instant, but threw it in the wash over the weekend and it came out stained. I did some Googling to find an eco friendly way to remove the stain with stuff I already had in the house. My first attempt was to use corn starch. I sprinkled some on and let it sit overnight. When I washed it later, I forgot where the stain was located and held up the shirt to N saying "it's gone!" He says, "No it's not." The stain was about 2 inches above where I was pointing.

So next I tried hand washing it in our Seventh Generation dish soap. It worked! No more stain! 

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